Thursday, May 27, 2010

Living With A Hernia

You would think I hate writing, as often as I take breaks from blogging. Not true, my friends, not true. I've just been busy living...or something like that. So, where were we? Aside from my soapbox departure from the norm. (Btw, I may start wearing that soapbox out pretty soon. It may become the norm.)
Josh's grandpa died (a great relief for him, sad for his family) so, rather than put the kids through 12 hours of driving + a funeral, we spent the night before and after at a hotel at the halfway point. It cut into our emergency fund and we didn't do anything great and exciting, but it was a departure from the every day and well worth it. (Plus, there was lots of swimming and a hot tub. Woo hoo!)
2 Days before my birthday, my abdomen started hurting and I wrote it off as a muscle cramp or gas for abour 6 hours and finally, around midnight, Josh pointed out the fact that I could no longer stand up straight and I was doubled over, pacing because it hurt too much to do anything else. After he told me he could see the lump I was complaining about from across the room, he said he was taking me to the ER. The doctor declared it a umbilical hernia and proceeded to try to force my internal organs back through the hole from whence they came. (OW!) They made a little progress and then admitted me to the hospital and 9 hours later, they did emergency surgery. I was cut and stitched and meshed and steri-stripped and gauzed and a slapped back together and then told not to anything. Seriously. ANYTHING. After a week, I was told to do practically nothing for 2-3 weeks. That was about a week ago and I've been breaking the rules more than I probably should, but I'm trying to be relatively good. (I can't neglect my garden, it's my baby.)
Speaking of which, the garden is amazing. Corn, strawberries, squash, peas, potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, watermelon, cantelope, pumpkins, zucchini & cilantro are all going strong. Summer is officially here, the kids have been out of school for a week and I'm ready to be back in action. More on all of this to come.