Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Back in the saddle

I'm back by popular demand [insert fanfare here.] I will spare the details of the domino effect stomach virus, in the midst of the water main leak/repair in our front yard. (Besides, I tried writing about it a couple of weeks ago and it was eaten by that notorious internet email/blog eater, second cousin to the sock gnome. I shall call him Harold from this point forward.) Since that time, Kasey has gotten sick not once, but twice, Josh had a vesectomy, and Zac is going through bronchitis/pneumonia round 2. Today, I have a migraine and I have spent the last 3 hours lying on our inflatable mattress in the living room, eating, watching old movies and of course, feeding my Facebook addiction. I have a stack of books from the library whispering my name from the coffeetable, but I've successfully ignored them thus far. I haven't worked on any real writing in weeks either. I need some motivation.
I'm ready for Spring. I want warm breezes and open windows and digging in the dirt. I've been compiling a list of all the things I want to do with the kids this summer: museums and gardening and ice skating and weekend road trips and a million visits to the zoo and the aquarium. I think Zac may be old enough to do some of the behind-the-scenes zoo clinics this year. We're also going to try a new fruit and a new vegetable each week, in hopes that we find SOMETHING they'll eat. Last night, I let them squeeze oranges into glasses and Zac said "It tastes just like orange juice!" Yeah, we definitely have some work to do.

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