Wednesday, December 8, 2010

2010 Status Updates

I posted these last year and I loved reading back over them, but FB won't let me copy & paste, so I'm only re-typing the kids quotes (because they're the best anyway.)

"Before my tummy gets hungry again, could you make it some pancakes?" -Kasey

"Mom, are you ever going to get hurt really bad? It would be really fun for me to call 911. Probably not for you, though." -Zac

"Sorry, I forgot I was naked." -Kasey, after being told she had to get dressed before she could draw a picture

"I just washed this hand; the other one wasn't very dirty." -Kasey

"Mommy, you have the most beautiful voice I've ever heard. Except when you yell; then it's kind of terrible." -Zac

"Mommy, why don't you send more mail? Is it because you don't like people very much?" -Zac

"Mommy, don't ever read this book to me. We read it at school and they tried to cook a guy and eat him and he was naked. It was awful and really disgusting." -Zac

"None of these dresses is spinny enough." -Kasey

"Mommy, gross. Next time just use water and don't spit on me." -Kasey

"Here's his leg." -Kasey, handing me the leg of the junebug I busted her trying to get into the car with

"He's nothing but a liar! I thought he was my friend! Today was the worst day of my entire life." -Zac, after his best friend played tic-tac-toe with a girl instead of him

"Are you going to buy me any Christmas presents this year? Because I really want more bubble bath." -Kasey...on the toilet...while I was taking a bath next to it

"I think that maybe this book is probably a little too scary for me." -Kasey (Bunnicula)

"Dear God, thank you for making the world and thank you for our food and thank you that Daddy is working and I got some duct tape and Mommy made me a Darth Maul lightsaber. Amen" -Zac

"Why doesn't Kasey like it when I punch her?" -Zac

"Does it look like I have snot on my face? Don't worry, it's not. It's just dog slobber." -Kasey

"Maybe they went to Heaven. They are really old." -Zac, when I told him my grandparents weren't home

"Mommy is a camel who doesn't know how to read..." -part of an odd song my kids made up

"Cooco, Momo, Gigi, Mamochichu, Chungley, Lagamachu and Brucie." -names Kasey made up for sharks that she drew

Kasey says the Rangers are playing Hastings (Houston) tonight, and she hopes the Pink Sox win.

"I was afraid you might be kissing." -Zac, on why he didn't open the door to talk to us

"I love you ,Mommy. I'll see you in the morning." 6. I asked if she was going to bed and she said, "No, I just didn't want to have to say it later."

"The Death Eater has tried every cookie in the land." -Zac, wearing a Darth Vader helmet shell and his Venom mask

"I accidentally snorted some Coke." -Zac (luckily this was a soda reference and not a recreational habit)

"It's okay, I can handle it; I'm very brave. I can kill spiders, you know. I'm also not afraid of bees." -Zac, when I told him it was dangerous being a police officer

"That guy must have really hated parades." -Zac, after I explained how JFK was assasinated

"She said our name like 'penis'!" -Zac, laughing hysterically

"I wish we lived in the jungle and we could eat food right off of the trees and fight tigers. Did Bear Grylls used to be Anthony from the Wiggles? Because he wears a lot of blue and talks like him. Do you think he sings a lot? I wish our house had stairs and we had a robot to vacuum and clean up all of our toys. Why aren't you my teacher? Why can't I go to school at home?" -Zac, in one breath with no pauses at dinner

"The Jedi Master has forgotten his weapon." -Zac (I responded with "A Jedi's greatest weapon is his mind." Sometimes I just can't help myself.)

"Here's the mommy, the daddy, the kids, and the pizza man." -Kasey, naming the vital roles while playing house

"I really wish you had named me Batman." -Zac

"Do bananas have seeds?" no. "Then what is this?" -Zac, holding up the tooth that was no longer just loose

"I made it dead with my hands. I should probably use some hand sanitizer." -Kasey, expert fly killer

"Zachary, you're my best friend in the whole world." -Kasey

"Don't worry, Mommy can fix it. Mommy can do anything. Except fly." -Zac

I have some skin left over!" -Kasey, wrapping up in her towel after her bath

"Mommy, can you please change your face? That one looks really cranky." -Kasey

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