Monday, December 7, 2009

The Beginning

Hooray! I finally have an outlet for all my random thoughts, quotes and daily whatnot. None of that Twitter letter counting nonsense. So,"Welcome to my underground lair..." I make no apology for the contents of this blog.
I once had an art professor who claimed art is anything that brings out an emotion in you, even if you don't like that emotion - I'd like this to be art. So, without further ado...

It's Pearl Harbor Day 2009. An Asian woman cut my hair this afternoon. Odd. She smelled like beef jerkey and sour green apple gum. It's the first time in a long time that I haven't just grabbed a pair of scissors and hacked away in front of the mirror. Just before that, I had lunch with a rock star who also happens to be my brother. I really miss those guys. My grandpa told me he was 11 years old the day of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Interesting.
It's freezing. No, really, it's actually freezing outside; we're under a winter weather advisery. I'm sitting in front of the fire, drinking English Breakfast Tea and debating survival tactics for the end of the world with my husband, while we wait to watch part 2 of Alice on SyFy. Joseph and the wise men have finished their joy ride in the Little People mini van and have been returned to the stable with Mary and baby Jesus. McCarty (the dog) is sitting as close as she possibly can to me without actually sitting on me. I'd push her off the couch, but she's really warm. Christmas shopping tomorrow.

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