Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I saw 2 older women shopping together today and one held up a pair of men's boxers to ask the other if "he" would like them for Christmas. The woman said "Yes, I think he'll really enjoy them." Really? Enjoy? I don't think I've ever liked a pair of underwear enough to claim I enjoy them.
My son was a rapping reindeer last night in his school Christmas concert. He was too adorable for words. I managed not to cry (I usually cry at every kids' program, regardless of whether my kids are in it or not) but I did get a little teary-eyed when I realized Kasey's going to be up there singing next year. Or growling. Or chewing on her dress, like the little girl in the front row was doing. I'm about to become a wrapping reindeer myself. I'm finally done Christmas shopping. I don't get stressed about the shopping part because I LOVE buying things for other people; I just hate that I don't have the money to do it properly. I would love to give crazy presents, like paying a family's bills for the month or something unexpected of that nature. Hopefully, Dave Ramsey will whip us into shape where someday that could be possible.

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