Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Top 5 Kids

I just did a number of things I hate doing (laundry, changing the sheets, yoga, etc.) My zillion dollar vaccuum isn't working. - It doesn't suck (oh, the irony) and I'm getting ready to go back to the evil Empire to make some returns. I thought I'd take a few minutes to do some more Top 5's.

Top 5 things my children inherited from me:


1. asthma and allergies (boo!)

2. imagination and love of all things fantasy

3. storytelling

4. extreme empathy

5. night owl tendencies

I have to add that sprinkling of freckles across his nose as a runner-up


1. crazy, wildly uncooperative hair

2. bossiness

3. wit

4. love of books

5. extreme independence

Top 5 Things the kids have inherited from Josh


1. cowlicks

2. charm

3. dislike for vegetables, ketchup, mustard and anything mildly healthy

4. social ability

5. fingernails and toenails


1. temper

2. love of food

3. mouth and chin

4. love of animals

5. desire to instigate others

I love, love, love seeing the combination of Josh and me in all their various traits. I also love watching their own tendencies and characteristics that make them unique develop in each of them more and more every day.

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