Sunday, December 13, 2009

Dave's Here

I'm enjoying a glass of white zinfandel, which pairs nicely with the bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch I'm eating. (I'm a big fan of the Zin, though I think Sangria would win in a fight.) I just noticed the bag of rawhides I opened for McCarty says "Not for human consumption" on it, as though I might have been tempted to start gnawing away. I'm hoping the warning is just a company covering their bases...
We have a week left of Dave Ramsey. I know it's helping me a great deal, but it's so frustrating. I feel like he's talking to people that are like "Oh, SAVE the money, I've just been throwing it down the garbage disposal each month. Thanks, Dave!" I'm very thankful for the advice and it is really going to help in the long run; I just need to keep looking on down the road instead of down at my feet.
The kids have a week left of school before they come home to drive me insane and try to kill one another. I've already written out a list of activites to do that we'll probably abandon within the first couple of hours of Christmas Break. I also refuse to call it Winter Break. I don't understand why the school systems in America are (and I love this phrase) bothered by us "trying to make Christmas a religious holiday." It's CHRISTmas - Jesus' birthday. It's a religious holiday, just like Hanukkah is a religious holiday. Deal with it or quit celebrating it as something else. I don't understand why my kids have to write letters to a fictional character (Santa) at school without my consent, but God and Jesus are such issues. Anyway, that's my soapbox rant of the day.
I made my own lotion/oil/moisturizer for winter and I'm pretty excited about it. Almost as excited as I was about making my own laundry detergent. I smell fantastic.

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