Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Presents Vacation

The wedding was wonderful. I had a woman tell me afterward "Kasey was so beautiful and it was so cute when she sat down in front of the bridesmaids and put her flower basket on her head." *Sigh.* At least she was quiet. Zac taught everyone on the dance floor the dances he had done for his school program, along with some great breakdancing moves.
Yesterday was the first official day of Christmas break (or "presents break" as Kasey called it. That's probably really accurate, unfortunately.) The kids and I built a gingerbread house (well, Zac and I built it, while Kasey ate half of the candy meant for it) and it lasted long enough for a picture before it collapsed. Zac asked what happened and I told him a little gingerbread tornado came through and leveled the house. He didn't think my joke was even a tiny bit funny. Then, Kasey flushed about half a roll of toilet paper down the toilet, clogging the toilet. I looked for the plunger and realized the one I had thought was an extra (and had used as part of some zombie framework for Halloween) was our only plunger, so I had to take apart a skeleton to get to it. Meanwhile, I had forgotten that you have to jiggle the toilet handle to get it to stop running, so water was pouring from the toilet the entire time I was in the garage. I walked into ankle deep water that extended out into the hallway on both sides. So, all in a day's work, I guess. We're expected rain that leads to snow beginning tomorrow, so we could end up with a white Christmas this year. I'm pretty excited.

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