Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Profanely Cold

It is ridiculously cold outside; the kind of cold that causes you to make up new profanity when you step out into it. Public Enemies was just as good as I wanted it to be, though Hollywood added their own touch, as I expected. There's just something about fedoras and tommy guns and old V8s that I can't get enough of. It's Wednesday, which means the kids are both at school and the house is gloriously quiet...and messy. I've decided to do my own High Fidelity Top 5's, so I thought I'd start with my Top 5 Christmas Confessions:

1. If you ever wonder why It's a Wonderful Life is on a million times each year, it's for me - I watch it and I love it more every time

2. I sing along with Santa Baby and I secretly love Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas is You

3. I hate the old "lounge singer" renditions of Christmas carols (not that I don't appreciate the Rat Pack)

4. I love the idea of being snowed in for months at a time and I really enjoy it when we get stuck inside for days

5. I love making snow sculptures almost as much as sand sculptures and I can't wait to make something new this year

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