Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Golden Oldies

I went down to the ghetto, you know, MySpace, to see if there were any old blog entries worth salvaging for this. (Did I really post 20 entries there?) I found a few I thought I'd re-post it just for fun, including the first blog entry I ever wrote. I love seeing how far my kids have come.

Thursday, December 20, 2007
First real blog Current mood: blah Category: Life
Okay B, reading your blog has motivated me to actually blog for real, rather than the postings I usually do in the "blog area." I figure in between the diaper changes and spit-up and the general chaos of my day, I could use some room for a little venting and/or some grown up conversation anyway. Those of you who know me best will realize this will either be really good for me and/or a bad thing for everyone else. :) Unfortunately, I'll have to hold back a lot because I'll inevitably end up offending someone or just getting myself into trouble (which I'm pretty good at anyway.)
I woke up with pinkeye this morning, so I automatically feel like I'm 2 years old again. I'm hoping it doesn't throw off my timing on Dance Dance Revolution. I must win at all costs. Josh's scores are getting too close for comfort.
My son is officially on Christmas vacation now, so the kids and I are in this together until after the new year. I figure a good mix of movies, crafts and video games will keep us sane, but I have a feeling I'll get tired of Star Wars after a week or so. Maybe. Thank God I got my new ipod earbuds. Earplugs with music: what a fantastic idea. Even the old crap I listen to sounds good on them.
So far, the highlight of my morning was Kasey waking up and taking off her pants and her diaper as usual, but not wetting the bed, so I didn't have to change her sheets. (I'll probably do that at naptime when she completes that cycle.) The baby is going home early today and he'll be gone tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to starting my weekend early.
I've been debating my New Year's resolutions for the past few days and I've decided to attempt to stick to a new budgeting/saving system Josh and I have devised and I've got to start writing again. After I finished my little novella last year, I pretty much quit completely - I don't count my random, rambling emails as real writing (though I'm sure there's probably more than enough material for a really messed up book) nor this for that matter - and I really miss it.
Now that everyone is asleep...congratulations if you've made it this far through the monotony of my mundane daily life; I should probably go and clean something...or someone. Hopefully this will get more interesting.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas Current mood: silly
For those of you I left in total suspense in my last blog, yes, Kasey did in fact take off her pants and diaper and wet her bed after her nap, thus forcing me to change her sheets as usual. I'm sorry to have kept you all hanging for so long on that one. Whew.
Well, we survived Christmas yet again. It's still so strange to be on the adult side of things now. I had this idyllic image of Christmas morning, where my kids ran to their toys and squealed excitedly and then turned and thanked me with hugs and smiles. Christmas morning came. Zac stumbled into the living room with one eye half open and proceeded to play with Kasey's new dollhouse. We asked him what the toy was beside it (his Christmas present) and got a slight shrug and an unenthused "Star Wars stuff" in response (this being the same child who jumped up and down and ran laps around the room when we gave him a Qui-Gon Jin action figure.) Kasey slept for another hour and a half, until we had to actually wake her up. She wandered into the living room, where she carried out a Godzilla-like attack on Jedi and Sith alike. "The death toll was catastrophic" bodies were flung everywhere and Zac had a sudden newfound interest in his Star Wars playset and tackled Godzilla, who had already moved on to her dollhouse dismantling phase. Much screaming and wrestling ensued and eventually, a truce was reached.

Cheesy Timeline Current mood: hopeful Category: Life
Friday, January 11, 2008 – a cheesy timeline to document the minutia of my day

8:50 – woke beside a giant mountain of laundry where Josh usually sleeps (either
he was looking for something specific or he was trying to give me a less than
subtle hint)

9:00 – half pretended to have been awake for more than 10 minutes when Josh
came home to give me the car, which I didn't need since Zac woke up sick

9:20 – called Zac in sick and heard the sound of my fate being sealed for the day (it
sounds a lot like lightsaber noises)

9:25 – stepped on a headless senator Palpatine

9:30 – gave the kids breakfast

9:35 – put Zac aka Luke Skywalker's belt and robe on

9:37 – put in Star Wars: A New Hope, with full knowledge that Zac would pause it
approximately every five minutes to do something else, gazed longingly at
the CSI DVD sitting on top of the TV and sighed, knowing it will have to wait
until the kids go to bed

9:40 – changed Zac's clothes after he spilled juice (unknown to him, laced with
medicine) all over his shirt

9:45 – worked on converting our Monopoly games to work with electronic Monopoly,
got a little too excited about finally being able to play my homemade Harry
Potter version

9:50 – realized what a dork I am for making my own Harry Potter version

9:52 – wondered what Hasbro/Parker Brothers would do to someone for using their
copyrighted game format

9:54 – wondered how a game format could be copyrighted

9:56 – debated the difference between a copyright and a trademark

10:00 – looked in the refrigerator, then in the pantry, then back in the refrigerator
and then stood there for quite a while, ate disgusting leftover frozen pizza

10:30 – mastered my i-dog

10:32 – thought of possible names for my i-dog, settled on I-MAX

10:33 - realized I'm an adult who owns an i-dog

10:35 – listened to a little Jesus Christ Superstar and thought about putting the
DVD in

10:37 – wondered why Jesus looks like he belongs in a GAP commercial in the
new version of Jesus Christ Superstar "cargo pockets for the King" (I knew
it would be atrocious as soon as I saw the disciples with machine guns -
it's great)

10:40 – rearranged the living room furniture

10:50 – stopped Kasey from feeding magnetic alphabet letters to the dog

10:52- wondered how the dog could be dumb enough to attempt to eat magnetic
alphabet letters

10:55 – reprimanded the dog for being such an idiot

11:00 – talked to Josh about his morning (which was somehow less exciting than

11:30 – cleared the table and made lunch for the kids

11:45 – came close to having 12 separate heart attacks when Kasey pushed off
from the table with her feet, nearly knocking over her chair 12 times, told
her to sit up approximately 19 times

12:00 – cleared the table yet again and scrubbed jelly off of Kasey

12:30 – put Kasey down for a nap after Zac talked her out of half the toys she
wanted to take with her, which he abandoned within minutes

12:40 – asked Zac to be a little quieter with his lightsaber and blaster gun noises for
about the 63rd time

12:45 – put Zac now aka Obi-Wan Kenobi's belt and robe back on again

1:00 – got out Play-doh and made Zac a Jabba the Hutt, which he used to "eat"
Star Wars Monopoly pieces

1:20 – remembered it was Friday and had a momentary second of "yea!"

1:30 – pulled Star Wars Monopoly pieces out of Jabba the Hutt and helped Zac
clean up his Play-Doh

1:35 – checked my email, looked up what DANton-ten-six means (it's in the first
Madeline book, I'm guessing it's like 911 in France back in the day, but all I
get is a reference back to Madeline)

1:37 – wondered how a book with such a horrid rhyme scheme could win a
Caldecott award and be so loved and honored for so many years and how I
could possibly have liked Madeline so much as a kid
"And soon after Dr Cohn
came, he rushed out to the phone" (seriously)

1:40 – thought about writing a children's book and/or eating a sandwich

1:42 – ate a sandwich

2:00 – did some laundry

2:30 – gave Kasey a bath and changed her sheets, which had an extra surprise
besides just being wet today (am I the lucky one or what?)

2:50 – gave the kids a snack

3:00 – did more laundry

3:10 – changed my mind about the arrangement of the furniture and rearranged it all

3:30 – started dinner

4:00 – gave Zac more juice laced with medicine, gave Kasey her own juice after she
about had a conniption over Zac's

4:30 – read books to the kids, including Madeline, which my kids also love

5:00 – cleaned the living room a little

5:20 – finished dinner

5:30 – had a fairly uneventful dinner, knew Zac was really sick when he ate green
beans without putting up a fight

5:45 – watched Annie, relative peace and quiet for at least the first 10 minutes, with
the exception of discussing similarities between Annie and Madeline,
realized the moral to Annie is "money can buy you anything, including
parents, the truth and even the help of the President of the United States"

7:15 – put pajamas on the kids

7:30 – read more books, including Madeline yet again

7:45 – put Kasey to bed

8:00 – put Zac now aka Anakin Skywalker to bed

8:10 – finally got to watch CSI, watched all 4 episodes and stayed up too late
12:34 - shoved all the laundry on the bed back into the basket to put up tomorrow

I hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane as much as I did.

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