Monday, December 14, 2009


Attention morons: when you wave someone through a stop sign, you aren't extending a courtesy; you're breaking a traffic law and impeding the flow of traffic. STOP DOING IT. IT PISSES ME OFF.
Tonight began the first night of our "12 days of Christmas" and it went really well. A couple of years ago, we decided we hated the idea of the kids opening a pile of presents Christmas morning and then abandoning them to be dragged all over town to several houses and gaining more presents along the way, so we came up with a plan. We save their big present, along with 2 or 3 small ones for Christmas morning and the rest, we spread out over the 12 days prior to Christmas so they actually enjoy playing with them. Some days we only do Christmas activities, like baking cookies or making ornaments or driving around looking at lights and other nights, they get a small present to open. Tonight, the kids each opened a book and we read them and they really had a really good time.
I put together a 300 piece jigsaw puzzle tonight and reminded myself why I have a love/hate relationship with puzzles. I start out thinking it will be fun, but my OCD tendency drives me to keep going until I'm finished and my back can't take it.

1 comment:

  1. That always bugs Dave too. It's about the only thing he has road rage about. It's about the only thing I don't have road rage about. However, I understand the annoyance.
