Friday, December 18, 2009

Nervous Breakdown

Oh dear goodness, where to begin?...I went to Kasey's Christmas party today and had a great time helping out. I called the school to find out when Zac's party was and they told me 1:00, so I hurried to get there, only to find out the Pre-K party was at 1:00 and his was yesterday. Mom FAIL. So, I stood there awkwardly in a classroom full of children that were not having a party for a few minutes and then signed Zac out and took him home for no reason at all. I had a killer headache from still not having any lunch at this point and both kids began their barrage of "he's touching me she's got my toy can we have mac and cheese can we open a present I don't want to do that can you tie this can you help me find my mask." You know, the usual. Josh came home with Matt's car because he took it to clean it as a favor for Matt and Jenny, to give them one less thing to do for the wedding tomorrow. When he rolled the window down, the entire window came completely out, so he spent quite a while in front of the house trying to get it back in place. He came inside to tell me he fixed it and we both looked out the door at the fixed window, and watched as our neighbor backed out of her driveway...and into the front of Matt's car. The rehearsal dinner is in a couple of hours and I'm hoping the day doesn't get too much more exciting.


  1. zac was right... he does want to break things like cars and busses

  2. Oh my dear goodness is exactly what I would say! That's horrible and hilarious! I hope things turned out awesome!
